
Best Android Hacking Apps 2019

Best Android Hacking Apps By Aexdroid.com 

Now days almost every people has an Android phone and some people tell that they hacker can hack phone with only Pc , but friends that hacking can be done not only computers but also from from your android phone and app that you can hacking and taday there is so much phine maybe you might even thow about some Apps

Knowning about hacking is also important so i will tell you about a very good about that apps with this help you can also hack any phone and save your phone from hackers and if there is a security researcher then you need to know about the hacking from you r android phone than i am gonna tell you best android hacking apps that can you install in your phone then you can be able to hacking any android device and you will become a professional hacker so fisrt see the android hacking apps 

1. Androrat

Androrat is a good app for hacking a phien and there is a very powerful app you can hack from it any phone and this is a remote administration tool for android phone it is a client the server app and it know rat woed in android phone you will know which one of these apps can come in then you can easily access this app area phone can hack

2. Burp Suit

Burp Suit is also a good hacking android app and it is a very popular app this hacking app has a lot of hacking tools which simulataneously reduce and it also falls short for the security of a phone web app with the help of the apps tool you can test the weeb securty there is a no shortage of wev app but most od these app howerer it comes at our hacking

3. DSpoit

Although DSploit is a very popular app this app is less in hacking but it woeks a lot in the phine it is less in the form of a security reservers tester in the phine and this app is less than the android phone  it is a verry inportant app for our phone because there is a lot of time information on our android phone and this app is bery little we hack phone

4. Hackcode 

Hackcode is also is hacking app but these app are a little technical app you have to learn it before this app comes to you than those people are ethical hackers adn this app is very little is cyber securuty and this app can do lot of work scanning the phone in android phones such as checking performance etc and this appp is a very popular app you can use it easily after learning and with the help of this app easily can anyone hack someones phone

5. Zanti 

Zanti is a very popular hacking app and easy app is very important to learn it if you keep an android phone then why not it app for your phone and these app can do a lot of work together from the app we can create a wifi hotspot that is already malicious and can audit passwords and we can also modulate the http from this app so this app is less in our phone

6. APKInspector 

APKInspector is a good hacking app that comes very little in out phone and this app is very techinal you work like a app is very technical you work like a tol you can get many information about anybody who is in this phone from this app there is an app that is very much in information about reverse enfineering techniques but you can use it for a bit to use an app thanks to the phone you ca useful for your phone

7. Nmap For Android 

Nmap is a hacking app that all hackers are awares of or are ceating new hacker but this app lacks this app file we can not download for free but there is some verson that is far below the sime of this app this app is also a network scanner this app is for all android phones and windows  but not before but some changes have been done,

8. DroidBox 

DroidBox is a good hackinh app but no one is awar of it more about it it is done in our phone and for applying perfomance of the app and it is very simple it can be used easily and also in hacking helps you so much that you can hack a phone

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